Bonus Content

BONUS CONTENT: Copyright in Video Games: Protecting Property or Owning Creativity?

My idea for this segments stems from Warner Bros Studio’s successful patent of their ‘Nemesis System’ used in both the Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor & Middle Earth: Shadow of War games (link). Along with my last discussion piece(link) where I discussed Namco’s patent of the load screen mini game, they’ve got me thinking about…

BONUS CONTENT: Loading Screens: Making waiting fun

Lets face it, nobody likes a loading screen but they are a necessary evil, especially as game environment becomes more detailed and more items are in need of loading. Now with that I’m sure a lot of you are thinking “Actually, now that you mention it. I’m noticing loading screens less and less these days.…

BONUS CONTENT: Review Scores: What does a “7” mean?

I personally don’t believe in using review scores when reviewing video games. One reason is because it forces people to actually read what I write rather than skipping to the score at the end and assume everything between that and the beginning. Although the main reason I don’t use them is that it would open…

BONUS CONTENT: Immersion in Gaming: Believing the Fantasy

This is something that I’ve discussed in many of my reviews and discussions in the past but have never really explained. I thought this week I would delve into what immersion is, how it can be achieved as well as examples both good and bad. Immersion is just that, how immersed into a game the…

BONUS CONTENT: My PlayStation Wrap-Up 2020

With 2020 well as truly behind us. I’m going to look back at my PlayStation round up of 2020. A year where unlike most people who got to sit around at home and play video games. As a “key worker” I didn’t get this privilege, I instead went into work as usually helping make sure…

BONUS CONTENT: The Scalper Blight: How not to buy a PS5.

So long as there’s demand for something there will be someone somewhere who will try and make a profit off of it. This can be seen with the sheer number of PS5’s & XBox X/S series being sold on sites such as eBay & Facebook Marketplace by people in bulk. These scalpers are taking advantage…

BONUS CONTENT: Are game disks a dying breed?

In recent years we have seen an insurgence in digital media in most entertainment industries. Both the film & music industries are seeing more people making digital purchases compared to their physical counterpart. Video games are also following suit with the introduction of Steam back in 2003 and with consoles joining later with the introduction…

BONUS CONTENT: Ludo-Narrative Dissonance: Saying One Thing, Doing Another

Lets start with a definition for those who aren’t aware. Ludo-Narrative Dissonance was coined by the game designer Clint Hocking in a blog post in 2007. The term is used to describe the difference between the narrative told by a games story and the narrative of it’s gameplay. In his post Hocking singled out Bioshock…

BONUS CONTENT: 5 Cult Games Worth Playing

We all get that once and a while. We find a gem of a game that we think is absolutely brilliant only for it not to get the recognition it deserves among the wider audience, be it due to mainstream critics who have missed the point of the game or the narrow demographic of the…

BONUS CONTENT: Looking Back at Resident Evil (PC, PSone)

.This week I thought I’d us this time to take you on a trip down memory lane, back to where my love for games really took hold. A time when there were no Caramel Freddos, instead there was the Taz. A simpler time, a time when I could spend every single spare moment playing video…

BONUS CONTENT: Looking back at Half-Life (PC, PS2)

In my Witcher 3 review I mentioned that there were people in some circles that regarded The Witcher 3 as “The greatest game of all time”. As much as I enjoyed the game I whole heatedly disagree with it being the greatest game of all time. Although this did lead me to asking myself what…

BONUS CONTENT: Player Personalities: What Gamers Want From Their Games

With my Game of the Year backlog done with, I can move on and discuss some more learned and thought provoking topics. For my bonus post this week I will be delving into The Bartle taxonomy of player types and scratching the surface as to what different gamer types enjoy the most from a game.…

BONUS CONTENT: Game of the Decade 2010-2019

With 10 years worth of Games of the Year sitting there it only makes sense to finish off the catch-up with a Game of the Decade to choose the best of the best from the past 10 years. So the 5 Games of the Year up for the award are. 2010 – 2019: Nominees: God…

BONUS CONTENT: Game of the Year 2019

Now here we are, finally up to date. I also don’t think it’s going to be very hard to guess what my Game of the Year will be for this year. The nominees are as follows. 2019: Nominees: Kingdom Hearts 3 Resident Evil 2 Total War: Three Kingdoms Winner: Did you get it right? Well…

BONUS CONTENT: Game of the Year 2018

Now 2018 was a year of good games. 3 of the nominees made really good contenders for the top spot and I put more hours into the other 2 than I choose to account for. I would forgive anyone guessing the outcome of this one for getting this one wrong, but lets see if you…

BONUS CONTENT: Game of the Year 2017

Hopefully those who guessed incorrectly last years game of the year can do a little better this time around. As far as I’m aware the 5 games below are the only ones I’ve played from 2017 (EDIT: I actually played Mass Effect Andromeda as well but the less said about that the better) and of…

BONUS CONTENT: Game of the Year 2016

There wasn’t really many good games released in 2016 was there? There were no Witcher 3’s or Skyrims this year, but I suppose anyone that has a modicum of deductive power can make an educated guess as to what my game of the year is going to be by looking at the list of nominees.…

BONUS CONTENT: Vote for Patreon Game of the Year 2020

Hi all, A quick notice to let you know that all my Patreon supporters can vote for your favourite game to win the title of Patreon Game of the Year 2020. In order to cast your vote visit my Patreon page and vote in the members poll. I’ve also posted a link below. Thank you…

BONUS CONTENT: Game of the Year 2015

This one was another difficult choice, turns out I’ve played even less guess this year then I did the last, the only other game I played from that year was Just Cause 3. So with that in mind lets move on to the nominees. 2015: Nominees: Fallout 4 Life is Strange Metal Gear Solid 5:…

BONUS CONTENT: Game of the Year 2014

This one was a difficult choice, I hadn’t played many games from this year, let alone many that I thought were worth of being named Game of the Year, but luckily enough I only needed to pick one to win the award and the rest will be arbitrary. In the end I managed to weed…

BONUS CONTENT: Game of the Year 2013

I have had a lot of time to write this week and as such I have 6 posts scheduled for posting and another 4 in my drafts close to completion. Although I have now been sitting here twiddling my thumbs waiting for Friday and the next post in the queue. However, I got bored so…